International Trainers Misa Criolla Project -
Training Misa Criolla The Misa Criolla Trainers are people who are trained by Nanni Kloke and qualified to offer a Misa Criolla Training and lead a Misa Criolla Project. Trainers update themselves every year and deepen the dance, Meditation of Movement and the spiritual content with Nanni Kloke .
We are an International team of trainers and project assistants, who are commissioned by to the Academy of Movement and Awareness to run Misa Criolla-dance trainings, workshops and performance projects. We are leading the Misa Criolla Working Groups in different countries and we are all part of the Misa Criolla Study Group of Nanni Kloke / Academy of Movement & Awareness. Our aim with the Misa Criolla Project is to set an international sign for peace and peoples mutual understanding. We have no political or missionary intent but want to directly reach the people’s heart with this wonderful spiritual Art project of Music, Dance and Painting. We are convinced, that the uplifting effect of the Misa Criolla Project, combined with prayers or other texts from different spiritual traditions, can give people a vision of hope and peace. |